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Automatic Feeding And Collection Thin Film Short Path Fractional Distillation Machine
Automatic Feeding And Collection Thin Film Short Path Fractional Distillation Machine
Automatic Feeding And Collection Thin Film Short Path Fractional Distillation Machine
Automatic Feeding And Collection Thin Film Short Path Fractional Distillation Machine
Automatic Feeding And Collection Thin Film Short Path Fractional Distillation Machine
Automatic Feeding And Collection Thin Film Short Path Fractional Distillation Machine
Automatic Feeding And Collection Thin Film Short Path Fractional Distillation Machine

Automatic Feeding And Collection Thin Film Short Path Fractional Distillation Machine


- Multiple stage can be customized upon clients’ requests


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Molecular distillation is a distillation method operated under high vacuum, where the average free path of the vapor molecules is greater than the distance between the evaporating surface and the condensing surface.Thus, the liquid mixture can be separated by the difference of evaporation rate of each component in the feed liquid. At a given temperature, the lower the pressure, the greater the average free path of the gas molecules.When the pressure in the evaporation space is very low (10-2 ~ 10-4 mmHg) and the condensation surface is close to the evaporation surface, and the vertical distance between them is less than the average free path of the gas molecules, the vapor molecules vaporized from the evaporation surface can directly reach the condensation surface without colliding with other molecules and condense.

Effective evaporation area:0.25
Tärkeimmät myyntipisteet:Helppo käyttää
Kone tyyppi:Lyhyen polun tislaaja
materiaali:3.3 borosilicate glass
Takuun jälkeinen palvelu:Online-tuki
Tuotteen Kuvaus
Tuotteen ominaisuus
Feed Rate(kg/hr)461015
Effective evaporation area(m²)
Moottorin teho (w)120120120200
Suurin nopeus (rpm)500500500500
Barrel Diameter(mm)80100150200
Feeding Funel Volume(l)11.525
Mitat (mm)2120 * 1740 * 6282120 * 1740 * 6282270 * 1940 * 6282420 * 2040 * 628
Inernal Condenser Area(m)
Distillate Receiving Vessel Volume(l)12510
Residue Receiving Vessel Volume(l)12510
PyyhinPTFE scraperPTFE scraperPTFE scraperPTFE scraper
Tuotteen ominaisuudet

High evaporation efficiency can reduce retention time with minimal time delay.

Short path distillation is made of 3.3 high borosilicate glass and PTFE, which has excellent corrosion resistance.

Main body of short path distillation is made of 3.3 high borosilicate glass , allowing the whole process to be observed very clearly.

High precision distillation barrel allows the liquid to form a complete and unifiedthin film on the heated surface. The smooth inner surface can avoid stick and scalin.

Frequency conversion deceleration motor with selfcooling fan, long time continuous working.

Magnetic force transmission can make film forming system separated from motor, the top sealing of distillation barrel have no drive rod pass through.The whole system performs a completed sealing. The minimumvacuum pressure is up to0.1Pa.

Highest temperature of the system can reach 230℃/300℃, accurate temperature control can be realized.

Scraper model and self-cleaning roller model film forming system are available.

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